Phasing Out Global Series Actuators, New Replacements on the Way

Due to extreme volatility in material availability and decreased market demand, Fabco-Air will be phasing out the Global Series, Global GT Series and Global Stopper Cylinder. This will enable us to streamline our product offering and production operations, allowing us to increase our focus on our core product lines and improve overall lead times.
This includes all standard catalog items as well as specials quoted by Fabco-Air.
The Global Series will be phased out by December 31, 2022. However, due to the critical material situation, availability is extremely limited. These parts will be available until their respective phaseout date or until we deplete the material needed to produce them, whichever happens first. We will continue to stock seal kits for all impacted products until we deplete our inventory.
We have depleted all inventory of the following Global Series bore sizes: 32, 40 and 50 millimeters.
To support existing customers and installations, we are announcing a new product series that will be the successor to the Global Series and Global GT Series, the FJS Series and FJGF Series respectively.
For more information, please visit our product page.